martes, 16 de junio de 2009

And the Guay Gueby Gueb?

The Guay Gueby Gueb is also a symbiont growing inside these three holons (see previous post): 1)Google, 2)Internet and 3)Knowledge Society.

In this "bacterium" we call Guay Gueby Gueb, processes flow at a special rate, because the openness and freedom in cooperation. In this way GGGueb has learned very much from two colective experiences: The ong I.S.M.A., as an open-actor/ress community; and the experience, from 2006, in the first "Gueby" developped when the survival of Los Baños del Carmen, an old forested-sea-balneary in the city of Málaga, were in question. We needed an internet tool to share among the "Asamblea Balne" and Salvador Espada chose the "GMAIL" format. Easy to use, efficient as bikes, and powerfull for our aims.

With time, that Gueby experience of "" increased and reproduced, giving birth to other Guebys of the same format, to following experimentation in this easy way. We used and use GMAIL as blog, mailinglits, chat, wihi...and so on. Of course some profesional-minded internautas was looking without interest to our guebys. But today we can say that the experience have matured enough to consider the gueby-networking (including wikis and blogs too) as a platform that explain, by its use and by its "fluid structure" our success building this IQS

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