viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

From Pixel to Kissel: Hey Wave!

My apologizes by the ocean of new terms and focus. Imagine you are a recent digital inmigrant that meets for first time the web. Isn't? What we have made is what you have. You, 2.0 guys, have make a revolution in internet. We only take all that philosophy, 2.0, from your own work in internet, and apply, and return it, to science and technology, in general...
But no problem at all, as just what we have discovered is a strong convergence towards community, commons' sense, shamanism, world 0.0. Summing up, the children creative way of thinking...

From "gen" to "gyn"

From DNA to Global Symbioma interacting in a transfinite interphase.

2.- What am I going to say now?

After my first attempt publishing in Slashdot, I was graceful noticing the humour within. I was treated in that way. SEE MOREan Account Search Disc

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